10 Tips to Secure Yourself from Cyber Criminals

Cybercrime is a constant danger. You might believe that the only cybercrime concern is hackers stealing your financial details. However, it’s not that straightforward. There are many more threats beyond financial ones. Cybercrime keeps advancing, with new dangers appearing every year.

Hearing about the various cyber crimes might make you consider avoiding the internet altogether. That’s probably too extreme.

Instead, it’s wise to recognize cybercrime, which is the first step to protecting yourself and your data. Knowing who to contact if you witness suspicious activity is crucial, along with taking basic precautions to protect yourself.

You might want to stop cybercrime, but here’s the reality: You can’t. However, you can take steps to protect against it.

Use comprehensive internet security software

Consider a trusted security suite for all-around protection for your devices, online privacy, and identity, helping to secure your personal and financial information online. Comprehensive security software can also protect against ransomware and email scams, manage passwords, secure mobile devices, and monitor the dark web for personal information.

Employ robust passwords

Every cybersecurity specialist would advise against reusing passwords, as it simplifies a hacker’s job of accessing your data. Your passwords should be a minimum of eight (8) characters long, combining numbers, letters, and a special symbol.

Keep your software updated

This is vital for your operating systems and internet security software. Cybercriminals often exploit known vulnerabilities in your software to access your system. Patching these flaws reduces the risk of being targeted.

Manage your social media settings

Protect your personal and private information. Cybercriminals can gather your personal details with just a few data points, so sharing less publicly is safer. For example, posting your pet’s name or your mother’s maiden name could expose answers to common security questions.

Safeguard and encrypt your data

Ensure you have backups of critical data to stay ready for any situation. Keep copies on your laptop, an external drive, and in cloud storage like OneDrive or Dropbox. Encrypting your data guarantees that if a hacker accesses your files, they’ll see meaningless text instead of real information. Use encryption software or adjust your system settings for this.

Avoid suspicious emails

Phishing emails are common and increasingly convincing. For an extra layer of protection, use an SPF generator to create and maintain SPF records that help ensure emails from your domain are properly authenticated and less likely to be spoofed. If an email asks for your username or password, don’t provide it. Instead, visit the site directly or contact customer service to verify the email’s legitimacy. Remember, reputable companies won’t ask for your login details via email.

Secure your home network

Start strong with a VPN and a powerful encryption password. A VPN encrypts all your device’s outgoing traffic, keeping it secure until it reaches its destination. Use a VPN on public Wi-Fi networks, such as in libraries, cafés, hotels, or airports.

Discuss internet safety with your children

Educate your kids on proper internet use without stifling communication. Make sure they know they can approach you if they encounter online harassment, stalking, or bullying.

Shield yourself from identity theft

It occurs when someone illegally acquires your personal information, usually for financial benefit. You could be tricked into sharing personal details online, or a thief could steal your mail to access account information. Thus, protecting your personal data is crucial. Using a VPN can secure the data you transmit online, especially on public Wi Fi.

Stay Informed About Key Data Security Concerns

The web offers numerous cybersecurity articles to keep you informed about the latest trends and preventive measures. If you’re dealing with a merchant or have an account on a site affected by a security breach, check what data hackers accessed and promptly update your password and settings.

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  • About the Curator

    Abelino Silva. Seeker of the truth. Purveyor of facts. Mongrel to the deceitful. All that, and mostly a blogger who enjoys acknowledging others that publish great content. Say hello 🙂

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