Examine these top Anime blogs to collect useful information to help you promote your products or services in a way that highlights your overall brand. Through these brank marketing blogs you will be able to link your identity, values, and personality with communications to your audience.
Anime reviews, long-form criticism, and a whole bunch of opinions besides. Your source for too many words about Japanese cartoons.
Anime News Network's goal is to make anime and manga related content, information, anime news, and editorial available to consumers and anime fans worldwide.
Honey's Anime is the best place for anime enthusiasts! Anime news, guides, reviews, recommendations, character bios, they have it all.
Anime Ltd started out as a consultancy company ran by Andrew Partridge and since has grown into something completely different. Their blog is an updated blog about all thing anime.
At OtakuKart's AnimeBlog they provide latest news, anime facts, anime quotes and everything related to anime. All anime fans unite!
Abelino Silva. Seeker of the truth. Purveyor of facts. Mongrel to the deceitful. All that, and mostly a blogger who enjoys acknowledging others that publish great content. Say hello 🙂
As a Factfluencer, you get access to create topics, edit entries and make a name for yourself as a fellow seeker of the truth.