6 Must-Have Features for Travel App Development

The acceptance of mobile apps is worldwide and expanding with time. Almost every industry is inclining toward app development, and travel is no exception. Traveling apps like Uber or Skyscanner are already leading the market. According to Statista, the revenue of the mobility market outlet will reach over $600 million by 2023.

With the advancement of technology, most business owners are considering hiring a travel app development company to get the expected app development. The perks of hiring professionals are their in-depth understanding of ongoing market trends, features, and more.

The blog explains the six must-have features you can consider adding to your travel app.

6 Must-Have Features that You Can Consider in Your Travel App

It is better to scrutinize the market before integrating the features into your travel app to know about the ongoing demand and user expectations. For instance:

  • Travel Itinerary Generator

Every business owner must include the most crucial travel app feature, the itinerary travel generator. While traveling, people often face a challenge in planning the entire trip, but with this feature, everything is possible.

Travel itinerary generators allow travelers to manage their travel expenditure, plan events, or even keep a soft copy of essential documents. Travel itinerary generator apps like Tripit can sync the plans with the calendar.

The travel itinerary generator also keeps the data on the start & end of the journey, different transportation routes, and more.

  • Geo-Tracking Services

Another must-have travel app feature that you must consider is geo-tracking services. It helps find any nearby restaurant, hotel, sights, and more.

A software development kit like Google Maps or Route4Me Route Planner on Android and iOS add the travel map for navigation & routing purpose to ease the user experience. This feature also provides the location history, suggests accessible routes with less traffic, etc.

In short, you can integrate the geo-tracking service feature by availing of the travel software development services and boosting the user experience.

  • In-App Language Translator

According to mobile app development company Simpalm, “An in-app language translator is one of the beneficial features that help travelers in translating the native language of the country or state they are traveling.”

In-app language translator apps, like Google Translate or iTranslate, help travelers identify the language. The app works by scanning the texts for visual communication and translating the real-time voice or written data.

Simply put, this feature in your travel app can quickly improve communication and bridge the linguistic barrier, leading to an enhanced user experience.

  • Currency Rate Converter

While traveling to different countries, travelers often find difficulty in calculating the exact currency conversion rate. But with the advancement of technology, everything is possible. It is when another important feature comes into the picture- the currency rate converter.

With the help of this feature, travelers can easily find the ongoing currency exchange rate while traveling to different countries. Besides that, the currency rate converter also helps compare the currency exchange’s previous and present rates.

Overall, this prominent feature boosts the travel experience, automatically leading to increased ROI.

  • Location-Based Emergency Services


A must-have feature in every travel app is location-based emergency services. It enables the users to contact any emergency service irrespective of the time or place.

The main objective of this feature is to broadcast the user’s current location, which allows them to coordinate with a doctor, nearby pharmacy, or anything at the time of any emergency.

In other words, the location-based emergency feature in a travel app provides 24×7 assistance to the users and helps them find the hospital anywhere.

  • Trip Reviews from Travelers

The last but not the least feature that you must consider adding to your travel app is trip reviews. It ensures that the place is worth visiting and guides them in better decision-making. Before visiting any new city, state, or country, travelers often read the reviews given by previous travelers.

Displaying the review option in the travel app allows you to build trust in your targeted audience. Positive reviews can help your mobile app appear higher in Google searches.

Apart from it, trip reviews from previous travelers help establish the travel brand that can automatically improve the app’s reputation.


There are a number of travel apps that are already leading in the market, as these apps provide great flexibility and user convenience. Some major advantages of travel apps that benefit travelers are currency converters, planning the entire travel itinerary, and more. You can consider hiring a travel app development company if you want to know more about the travel app.

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  • About the Curator

    Abelino Silva. Seeker of the truth. Purveyor of facts. Mongrel to the deceitful. All that, and mostly a blogger who enjoys acknowledging others that publish great content. Say hello 🙂

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