Best Book Marketing Blogs

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    Generate more sales for your book or your client’s book by gathering educational inside information from these book marketing blogs that we’ve collected. These blogs will provide you useful tips on how you can best create awareness for a specific book among booksellers and consumers.

    Best Book Marketing Blogs for 2025

    Dave Chesson is the face of the company of 16 who produces the blog, podcast, and the company’s signature tool, KDP Rocket, a software that helps authors validate book ideas. The blog posts are lengthy, providing in-depth coverage of the topics. Dave is also an author of military science fiction books.

    I became aware of Gill Andrews six months ago and have since subscribed to her blog. I’ve learned a lot from reading her posts. If you want people to notice you and your books, make sure you have the best website you can. Gill can help you achieve that. And if you don’t want to hire her, just read her blog posts.

    Whether you want to know how to improve your BookBub ad or find creative ways to launch your book, you’ll find answers on BookBub’s blog. I always look forward to the next installment and so will you.

    A site for people interested in writing, publishing of all kinds and internet marketing/promotion for their books (in print/eBook or audio format).

    Jane Friedman is perhaps one of the smartest people in publishing today. She’s been featured on The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, PBS, CBS, the National Press Club and Publishers Weekly. She previously worked with Writer’s Digest. She teaches, is often a keynote speaker at writer’s conferences, and writes books. Her blog is among the most read in the industry.

    If writing advice if what you’d like, be sure to read Elizabeth’s blog. I especially love her “Twitterific” links that can include links to posts on writing, marketing, creativity, and inspiration. Writer’s Digest named her blog as one of the best 101 blogs for writers. She is a bestselling cozy mystery author.

    Thriller author Joanna Penn readily shares her vast amount of writing, publishing, and marketing experience with her readers and listeners. Joanna has been blogging for quite some time, and she started podcasting back when it was known as audio. Her podcast, well worth subscribing too as well, features every great expert in the industry. If you read and listen to Joanna often enough, you’ll soon be a bestselling author as well.

    Yes, Anne can have a snarky tone to her writing, but that won’t dissuade you from reading her blog, which she publishes with Ruth Harris. So far, she’s written 21 books and so has sage advice on writing, which she shares on her blog. Guests fill in on the other weeks with marketing advice. This is a must-read blog.

    Penny Sansevieri runs her company, Author Marketing Experts, with her five employees. You’ll find her speaking at writer’s conferences around the country throughout the year because she’s an authority on author book marketing strategies and Amazon. She shares those strategies on her popular blog.

    Joel Friedlander has a wealth of information about self-publishing, and for years he frequently shares all that he knew on his blog. These days, he usually blogs once a week and has an expert in author publishing write a post on that publishes on Thursdays. His blog eventually launched another business, Joel’s book design templates. 

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