Searching for the best event marketing blogs? We have them ready for you to read through. These event marketing blogs will provide you will useful information on how you can effectively develop a themed exhibit, display, or presentation to promote a product, service, cause, or organization by leveraging in-person engagement.
One of the biggest challenges we hear about is measuring and demonstrating event ROI. Whether you are sponsoring a booth at a tradeshow or hosting in-person meetings, EventGeek offers great insight into generating and tracking ROI. In their recent blog, Our ROI from ExhibitorLive 2019, they share their own learnings from a major event sponsorship. EventGeek also covers event project management, navigating major corporate tradeshows, and more.
Whether you’re producing a major user conference or a more intimate executive roundtable, the production value is a crucial aspect of your event. BizBash provides resources around production and strategy, style, catering, and more. They are a great resource for all event marketers and should be a must-read for anyone who is focused on experiential marketing.
We can’t write a resource post without mentioning the Banzai blog. Our goal is to be your ultimate event marketing resource. We provide content such as location guides, best practice webinars, and event marketing profiles. Our goal is to help you produce high-quality, lead-generating, B2B events.
The Bizzabo blog has it all. They focus on topics ranging from event marketing to event engagement, to event management. They also produce the In-Person podcast that dives into actual events and how they were produced. We recommend checking out Bizzabo for their great event inspiration and event planning strategies.
Webinars are fast becoming a top lead gen strategy for B2B organizations. If you’re like us, finding ways to break through the noise and produce valuable content can be challenging. On24’s blog is definitely worth bookmarking. They provide real-world examples and webinar best practices that are incredibly useful even if you are not an On24 customer.
If you are looking for event trends, event technology reviews, and an eagle-eye view on the event industry as a whole, we suggest subscribing to Event Manager Blog. They release an annual report on 10 event trends impacting that industry and a yearly review of the event mobile app landscape.
Hubb Event Management is a great resource for anyone looking to take their event planning to the next level. They have an active guest blog program featuring leaders from a variety of event roles. They also frequently post thought leadership blogs and webinars featuring their CEO, Allie Magyar.
The whole Demand Gen Report website offers a plethora of information and resources around driving demand. Marketers in all disciplines can benefit from Demand Gen Report’s content. The blog features regular interviews with CMOs, event recaps, and traditional marketing topics like developing your buyer’s journey and campaign creation.
Event Tech Brief is actually more of a newsletter than a blog. It was created to “assist event producers tasked with understanding the technology that powers events, create a neutral, no spin zone where the technology can be dissected and reviewed, and deliver the information that the event community needs to move events into the future”. Subscribe to get the latest, unbiased view of event technology.
The Splash blog caters to both B2B and B2C events. They focus on trends such assustainability and hosting inclusive events. They provide high-quality content for every part of event planning. Splash also partners with research firms such as HBR to produce powerful data that you can use to help influence your event marketing strategy.
Abelino Silva. Seeker of the truth. Purveyor of facts. Mongrel to the deceitful. All that, and mostly a blogger who enjoys acknowledging others that publish great content. Say hello
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