How do I Grow a TikTok Audience Organically?

Within a relatively short time, TikTok overtook existing social media apps, becoming one of the top five major players in the industry. With over a billion users and correspondingly realizing billions in annual revenues, it’s safe to say that TikTok is the new online El Dorado, a must-explore goldmine.

The best way to profit from the golden platform is to grow many TikTok followers. And you don’t have to do this yourself because there are reputable sites that can help you get organic TikTok growth

So, to know if you can really grow organically on TikTok, why you should grow your audience, and different strategies you can quickly apply to grow on TikTok, read this guide as it promises to provide answers.

Organic TikTok Growth: Why Grow an Audience on TikTok?

In 2023, TikTok generated a whopping $707 million dollars from in-app purchases alone. A substantial amount of that revenue came from the purchases of billions of TikTok followers on the app.

Knowing this, growing your audience on TikTok is a wise option to position yourself and profit from the massive revenue constantly generated on the platform.

Still, apart from making money, there are a couple of other reasons why you should grow your audience on TikTok, and they include:

  • Authority: The more followers a brand has, the more influence it wields. As a result, the more authority they command in their respective field.
  • Opportunities: Once a brand is recognized as an authority, it opens up opportunities for massive collaborations.
  • Supportive Community: Growing your audience helps to create a supportive, loyal fan base to rely on for inspiration, generating even more customer-centric content.
  • Increased Reach: The more your followers grow, the faster and broader your content spreads. 
  • Improved Sales: A large following draws more people into a business’s sales funnel system, ultimately boosting sales.

Can You Really Have Organic TikTok Growth?

Unlike other social media platforms, TikTok’s algorithm rewards videos that add value, not necessarily people with a large audience base. Although that serves its purpose, too,

Immediately after you post your video, the algorithm exposes it to about a hundred people’s For You page – FYP. If these engage favorably with the video – there are certain metrics the app uses to measure this – the algorithm will further recommend it to a thousand people, and so on.

In other words, TikTok is an app for the people, for the people, and for the people. And if you give the people what they want regarding quality and relevant content, the algorithm will reward you with everything you want.

Here are 9 strategies to employ for organic TikTok growth:

Create Niche-specific Content

“Man, know thyself” is a famous word from Socrates that refers to successful living. The same mantra applies to TikTok.  We can tweak that a little to mean, “Brand Owner, know thy audience.”

You see, there are billions of videos on the social media platform, which attracts a wide array of viewers. The danger most TikTok users learn too late is trying to become a jack of all content. 

The truth is that creating different TikTok videos across niches might temporarily boost your audience, but it won’t help your brand in the long run. This is because when you intend to market to your audience, you won’t have authentic followers interested in your offering.

In summary, building a narrow fan base of loyalists is better than a wide, shallow base of generalists. It might not be the best analogies, but you get the point.     

Keep this one thing at the back of your mind: people on TikTok are primarily looking for authenticity. As such, whatever content you put out there, as long as it’s genuine, you’ll always find your tribe.

Use Captions

There are many ingredients that make a fine video, and without captions, a video just seems to lack that final immersive effect. 

Be aware that of the over 1 billion users on TikTok, many such persons have a hearing disability. If you want to grow organically, it’s best to curate content to benefit those who can’t hear well.

So, endeavor to include a caption in every content. Experiment with different filters, colors, and fonts, ensuring the caption is visible and correlates with the video. 

Strategize with Influencers

If you don’t know, some ordinary people have become famous on TikTok and are called influencers. These influencers have a ton of following and the ability to create TikTok trends that make things go viral.

With the right collaboration, perhaps in the form of an endorsement, you can leverage an influencer’s already existing fan base. There, you can showcase your brand to thousands, if not millions.

Say you are selling a 100% organic product. You can reach out to a few big players in the TikTok verse and offer them a deal to promote your product in exchange for a commission.

As already stated, it’s critical to only partner with an influencer whose audience connects with what your brand offers. In fact, studies show it’s better to go for a TikToker with a smaller fanbase but niche-specific than a more popular creator with a diverse audience.

User-Generated Content

Whenever you see a TikTok creator swear by a product they’ve recently started using. And how it’s the best thing since sliced bread, then you are looking at organic TikTok marketing through User Generated Content – UGC.

Many brands have dramatically increased their awareness on TikTok by urging their followers to create reviews about their services. With a little incentive, like giveaways, you too can encourage your audience to share what they like best about the brand in a video and post it on their profile.

Apart from those who follow you, another option would be to seek out UGC experts who review products and services for a living. 

By offering a little token, you can get a superb review of your brand’s strongest benefits, post it for all your fans to repost, and attract more customers on TikTok.


Hashtags have been around for a while but are still a powerful TikTok strategy for organic growth. 

With the right hashtags, you can find out what’s trending and find communities that share ideals and values aligning with your brand. Getting into such an online space allows you to tap into a wealth of inspiration on relevant ideas that can help bring your brand to life.

The key lies in using the right amount of hashtags to target users. Ideally, between three and four is okay. Five should be the maximum.

Among the hashtags chosen, try to pick one generic hashtag that applies to almost every video, such as #Mondaytips, and one that specifically relates to your brand.

Some of the popular trending hashtags on TikTok you can explore on TikTok are:

  • #fyp
  • #viralvideos
  • #love
  • #trendingvideos
  • #duet
  • #foryoupage
  • #trending
  • #tiktok

Jump on Trends

It’s important to note that you can grow on TikTok in many ways, but jumping on trends is the fastest and easiest way. With the right trend, boosting a brand’s visibility a hundredfold or more is possible.  

Trends come and go, so you have to get the timing right.

Additionally, most trending stuff won’t be in your niche, so your creativity matters in remodeling that trend to fit your brand’s ideals.

Check your FYP or visit the pages of stars on the platform to see what trending TikTok videos to recreate.

Some of the cool ideas to explore are:

  • Duets
  • Dance Challenge
  • Adayinthelifeof
  • Blinding Lights
  • Renegade
  • Savage
  • Blackout

Focus on Quality Videos

The backbone of every great video is the quality of its editing. You might have interesting content on your TikTok profile, but if the editing is poor, your content has a low chance of going viral.  

Now, before you begin to fret about what it would cost to put state-of-the-art video equipment together, there’s good news.

Unlike YouTube, TikTok doesn’t require high-end, pristine, professionally edited videos for virality. As long as you do a good job putting out something relevant with good resolution, that’s fine by the app’s standards.

Here are some helpful tips you can implement for editing your videos on TikTok:

1. Record videos with a vertical screen.

The majority of video content on the internet is consumed using mobile devices. Therefore, it’s advisable to film your videos in a format that best suits phone viewers. When creating a video, there are several aspect ratios you can choose from, but the most preferable is 9:16.

2. Keep Videos Under a Minute

People’s attention span is like a housefly these days. One moment you think you’ve got them, and ‘pittzz,’ they’ve flown away to some other interesting stuff.

So, to retain users’ attention, it’s best to keep your TikTok videos under a minute, the sweet spot being between 30-45 seconds.

Of course, there are exceptions to creating shorter videos and instances when a few videos could be longer.

However, this only happens when your target audience is hooked on your shorts and wants something richer and filler than the initial video aperitif.

3. Shoot in Well-lit Areas.

Lighting helps to accentuate minute details in your video, which adds to the overall appeal. Investing in great lighting equipment is key when building a TikTok account. And the good thing is, one can still find one that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

4. Post Consistently

Nothing worthwhile was built overnight. On TikTok, it pays to be consistent. There’s an avalanche of attractive distractions fighting for people’s attention. 

In other words, if you don’t post consistently to keep making impressions on the minds of your TikTok followers long enough, they’ll easily forget your brand exists.

Not only do you need to post consistently, but you also need to know when to post. You can discover this through TikTok analytics in the studio app.

Download the TikTok Studio app, which lets you know when your target audience engages most with your content. Then, schedule content upload for that particular time.

Leverage Existing Social Media Platforms

Let’s say you’ve already built your brand on other platforms and have a substantial following; you can link all your profiles to your TikTok account.

After linking all platforms, you can share content snippets from your TikTok with your existing fans on other apps. 

Then, you can have them cross over to TikTok and follow you. It’s a good strategy for TikTok’s organic growth, especially if an incentive or bonus is included to spur users into taking action immediately.

Use Trending Audio

TikTok has the power to resurrect dead, long-forgotten songs. It’s not uncommon to see Gen Z’s digging up old tracks they stumbled upon in a viral video.

So, if you find trending audio, use it. Visit the app’s sounds library to get insight into what audio is making hits and see how you can incorporate it into your content.  

Wrapping Up

“The system is rigged” is a popular trending post on most social media apps describing how discriminating life can sometimes be. 

However, you can rest easy knowing that the algorithm presents a level playing field for everyone through organic TikTok growth on TikTok. This feature is a huge advantage for newbies visiting the platform with zero followers.

By applying the right information, anyone can use the organic growth strategies discussed to grow their TikTok audience. 


What is organic growth on TikTok?

Organic growth is the method of acquiring and growing followers on TikTok without paid promotion or automation. It involves attracting users who are genuinely and naturally interested in your content.

How do I grow my TikTok following organically?

To grow organically on TikTok, you must first know your target audience and create niche-specific content that resonates with them. Use captions to engage your audience and hashtags to reach more people in your niche.

Creating high-quality video content and collaborating with an influencer is another way to grow organically on this platform. Also, keep in mind that consistency plays a major role; post consistently and at the right time.

How do I increase my TikTok organic reach?

Follow the latest TikTok trends to increase your organic reach. This includes following up with viral video trends, duets, dance challenges, popular memes, and trending hashtags.

Other ideas to increase your organic TikTok growth include Adayinthelifeof, Blinding Lights, Renegade, Savage, and Blackout Challenge.

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  • About the Curator

    Abelino Silva. Seeker of the truth. Purveyor of facts. Mongrel to the deceitful. All that, and mostly a blogger who enjoys acknowledging others that publish great content. Say hello 🙂

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