What is Workers’ Compensation?

In Australia, the government takes protecting employees very seriously from being taken advantage of or simply in the case of an accident that resulted in an injury at work. We often see and hear of employees who’ve been injured on the job as a direct result of their work and gone away without compensation, leaving them in a tough situation. 


Unfortunately, this is often due to simply not knowing what compensation they’re eligible for. To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, read on to find out more about workers’ compensation.

Workers’ compensation explained

Workers’ compensation is mandatory insurance taken out by employers to cover their employees in the event of an accident that results in an injury, whether physical or mental. In Australia, there are a few popular workers’ compensation schemes for each territory and three Commonwealth Schemes from which employers can choose. 

What does workers’ compensation cover?

While this may depend on the scheme and circumstances surrounding the incident, most workers’ compensation schemes will cover any medical costs you may have, any salary missed from not being at work, the costs for rehabilitation, and any other compensation needed.

How does workers compensation work?

Every month, your workers’ compensation premium is paid by your employer to a scheme of their choosing. Most of the time, the insurance scheme they choose will cover anyone employed at their business. Be it a permanent employee, part-time, or apprentice. In some cases, the cover may also include casual staff or contractors, depending on your agreement with them.


In addition to that, worker’s compensation will also cover employees while they are out and about travelling for work. Generally, the cover is related to any injury or illness that occurs as a direct result of their work. To learn more about how your company’s injury compensation works, chat with your employer. Smith’s Lawyers are one of the best law firms in Australia and can assist you with your injury compensation claim. 

How do you make a claim with workers’ compensation?

Don’t be afraid to place a workplace compensation claim. You’re simply exercising your right to compensation for a workplace injury. That said, there is a way to go about claiming that should make the process much smoother. 


Firstly, keep in mind that sometimes an accident is merely an accident, and no one is to blame. If you accuse your employer, chances are that you may damage that relationship. Instead, place your claim calmly and respectfully.


It’s always better to place a workplace compensation claim sooner rather than later. As soon as you’re able, notify your employer about the claim and book a visit to see a doctor. Your employer might want to send you to one of the doctors registered with their insurance company. However, you’re not obligated to do this. 


The doctor should provide you with a medical certificate stating the extent of your injuries and whether you need time off work or not. After that, you and your employer would need to fill out the claim form and submit it to the insurer. 


If the claim is denied, you may need to hire a lawyer to help you get an appeal. If it’s approved, your employer will process the payment and pay you. 

When do I need to lawyer up?

It’s always helpful to have a lawyer involved just in case the claim doesn’t work out. If the evidence is clear that you were injured on the job doing a work-related activity, then there shouldn’t be much resistance from your employer and the insurance scheme. However, if the circumstances around your injury are somewhat in the grey, the insurance company might want to see more solid evidence before approving your claim.

This is when having a lawyer would benefit you. If the case has to go to court to fight for an appeal, you would need someone who knows how to navigate the legal system and present your case in an effective manner. We suggest approaching a lawyer when placing the claim. Not only would this help them prepare for a possible legal battle, but they’ll also offer you professional advice regarding whether your case is worth pursuing or not. 

Final Thoughts

Accidents happen on the job; it’s normal. Still, though, it’s your employer’s obligation to ensure that the workplace is as safe as possible and if an accident occurs, leaving an employee injured, they should have insurance to cover it. So, if you need to claim, don’t make it personal. It’s your right.

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    Abelino Silva. Seeker of the truth. Purveyor of facts. Mongrel to the deceitful. All that, and mostly a blogger who enjoys acknowledging others that publish great content. Say hello 🙂

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