10 unique features of the School Management System

We have been talking about a school management system for the longest time now, especially since the pandemic encouraged every institution to use it. Its usability did not stop after the pandemic situations calmed down schools, colleges, and universities continued using it due to the automatic and unique features it provides.

Here are 10 diverse functionalities that only a reliable school management system can have;

Admission management

The first step of starting an academic year is to get yourself admitted to the institution. Without a separate portal for admission management that handles various gateways of payment, course details, etc. to help students understand, a school management system is incomplete.

Personalized login profiles

Every student likes different resources, they should be able to personally log into profiles and chat with teachers, upload assignments, view grades, and so much more.

Mobile Compatibility

Do you think students have their laptops in their possession all the time? For easy access and flexibility in using learning resources, mobile compatibility is an important requirement for every school ERP software. They must be able to access everything available in the learning management system as easily as they can over laptops and personal computers. It encourages students to rely on their institution.

Guest Profiles

Alternatively known as visitor management, a school needs to ensure that students, teachers, and parents can easily access everything with minimal login procedures. Often, students might not need to go through the entire set of data in their profile. For accessing basic features, they can visit with a guest profile that visitor management allows them.

Proxy Lectures

Don’t be under the misconception that teachers cannot be absent. Like us, they are individuals with personal lives and commitments. In their absence, other teachers can take proxy lectures and fill in gaps by uploading the required content. These proxy lectures can also have a separate portal. This is an extremely sophisticated feature that might initially look like an unnecessary investment, but truly streamlines communication among the staff members.

Faculty management

Some information can be accessed by the faculty only. The ERP for school software is one that allows the administration to edit and give access to different teachers and students without interrupting everyday procedures. For example, the student information and data sheet is something confidential and not viewable to all. The faculty can manage it and make details visible as and when required to individual students or teachers.

Scholarship management

There are multiple scholarship programs in institutions, both private and provided by the government. Students need a separate portal to categorize each type and apply according to requirements. Scholarship management helps them streamline procedures without spending a lot of time researching what type of documents would have to be submitted and other information.

Indoor and outdoor activity management

Of all the activities that go on in the everyday lives of students, they are divided into two types- Academic and extracurricular. Both these activities are included in a school curriculum and could be indoor or outdoor. For example, sports is an outdoor activity that needs to be managed according to sports categories. Similarly, academic activities can also be outdoor like physical education, research field trips, etc.

For proper management and integration of various grades into the types of activities conducted every day, the curriculum or activity management feature is necessary.

Student teacher reviews

Students have to write multiple assignments every day, and if we include their exam grades, this amounts to a lot of workload for teachers. They can automize the process of checking some multiple-choice questions and answers through the exam management app, but lengthy papers need reviews from teachers so students know where they went wrong.

Multilingual support system

English medium schools need to compulsorily include every detail in English only, but what about the parents? Often, parents come from diverse cultural backgrounds and aren’t fluent in English. A reliable school management system will consider the need for a few students, and also parents to access a site that provides them with multilingual support.


Do you think we missed any important features? The above-mentioned ones are only a few unique get-goodies that not every institution considers. Having an elaborate system with mobile compatibility is great to improve student productivity and encourage them to focus on both, extracurricular activities and academic areas to lead a successful life.


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    Abelino Silva. Seeker of the truth. Purveyor of facts. Mongrel to the deceitful. All that, and mostly a blogger who enjoys acknowledging others that publish great content. Say hello 🙂

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