5 Tips to Become a Better Small Business Owner

When you start a small business, it’s everything to you – it’s like your baby. And just like a baby, you want to take care of it. You want to watch it grow and thrive. There will be good days and many bad ones, but with hard work, it’ll all pay off.

That’s why we’ve compiled some top tips for you to become a better small business owner. You can evolve and become a better small business owner, no matter what industry you belong to or even where you live. In Missouri, for example, which is also known as the “Show-Me State,” business owners face unique hurdles, yet there lies a thriving small business community with about more than 500,000 small businesses in the state, according to the United States Small Business Administration.

So, if you want to take your small business to the next level, follow the tips we have in store for you below and watch what happens. Let’s get started!

  1. Pursue a Business Degree

If you’re a small business owner with ambition gushing from every inch of you and have the passion and determination to do what it takes for your company to succeed, further education can help you soar to the next level.

Here’s the scoop: almost nothing bad can come from getting a higher education, and even while you’re running a business, it can open the door to an ocean of knowledge and skills that’ll move your path to entrepreneurship forward.

With so many different small businesses in Missouri, business education can offer you invaluable resources and ideas that can help you overcome the challenges of running a small business and make yours stand out from your competitors. You can even opt for an online MBA in Missouri if you want increased flexibility to balance studies with the increasing demands of your business.

  1. Have a Good Website

Having a killer website for your small business is a game changer that’ll do wonders for you. We all know that the world is all digital now, so if you don’t have an online presence, you’re missing out on most opportunities. After all, your website is where new leads find your services and products and is the only way for customers to buy from you if you don’t have a brick-and-mortar store.

Hiring a b2c web design company ensures your website can keep the design simple and clean — minimize the number of colors, banner ads, and pop-ups — and spend time on proper SEO. Put a lot of thought into branding before you create a website. Branding establishes trust and distinguishes you from your competitors.

Use high-quality pictures, and try avoiding using stock photos. Instead, hire a professional photographer to take pictures of all your products. This will build trust with your clients since they’ll get what they see. Additionally, write detailed descriptions of the products that point out product benefits, emphasize key features, and, where necessary, tell a story.

  1. Find a Mentor

A mentor can bring with them plenty of experience, perspectives, and helpful guidance. They’ve been where you’re going and can help you steer clear of common pitfalls, make better decisions, and encourage you to stay inspired and laser focused.

Now, how can you find someone right to guide you through? For starters, you can make use of your network of contacts. Ask around to see if anyone knows of a mentor who might be a good fit for what you need and your goals.

Finding a mentor is easier than it once was, all thanks to the power of the internet. A simple search on the internet will yield platforms and websites devoted to matching mentors and mentees in various fields and industries.

Also, look for meetings and seminars in your area where you can meet prospective mentors. Sometimes the best connections are made in person, so take advantage of these networking opportunities to find the ideal mentor who shares your aspirations.

  1. Cut Costs Wherever You Can

Cost control is essential for survival, particularly when dealing with the early stages of running a small business. Create a starting point to compare actual expenses against anticipated expenses. Variations in the budget allow you to see where your projections are correct and where they aren’t. Take a look at where you’ve gone off track. Now think about what you can slash. Consider options like negotiating better deals with suppliers or exploring cost-effective marketing strategies like flower delivery Melbourne services.

Perhaps you can find an alternative supplier or invest in a certain software from a different vendor that provides usage-based pricing because you don’t use it as much as you thought you would. Take a ruthless approach to eliminating inefficiencies such as unnecessary or repetitive processes, unused material, or absurd vendor price increases.

On the other hand, while cost control is crucial for small business survival, exploring avenues beyond immediate expense reduction is equally vital. Instead of just cutting costs, consider investing in areas that could drive long-term growth and sustainability. Seek advice from King of Kash to help you explore financial solutions to support strategic investments and propel your business forward amidst challenges.

At this point you might consider implementing a workforce management tool, that will have a crucial role in financial planning and cost reduction for your business. By efficiently managing staff scheduling, tracking time and attendance, and optimizing labor resources, WFM tools enable businesses to allocate their workforce more effectively, ensuring that labor costs align with operational demands. Thus, this alignment is vital for financial planning, as it will allow your company to budget more accurately and allocate resources efficiently. Through streamlined workforce management, you can reduce labor-related expenses, minimize overstaffing and understaffing issues, and enhance overall operational efficiency, ultimately contributing to cost reduction and improved financial health.

Besides this, consider employing an expert accountant or bookkeeper to help you keep precise records and make financially sound choices. Some accounting companies even offer turnaround consulting which helps businesses formulate a detailed financial strategy taking into account current resources, opportunities, and future goals.

  1. Embrace Technology

When it comes to streamlining operations, increasing efficiency, and outperforming those around you, technology can be your closest companion. It can make your life so much easier if you use it properly.

Look into the wide range of programs and devices available to automate your daily tasks, manage your finances, analyze data expertly, and even transform how you communicate with your team and devoted customers.

Use your CRM tool to send emails to new leads who browse your website or automatically follow up with prospective clients within a day.

You can even recover abandoned shopping carts by sending an automated message to persuade customers to continue with their orders.

And if you cannot provide customer service around the clock, you can set up a chatbot on your web page to reply to customer concerns after hours.


Now that we’ve covered enough ground, it’s safe to say you’re on your way to making your small business thrive! Don’t get us wrong, it’s not going to be easy – but with the right state of mind, and the work you put in, there’s nothing you can’t do.

You can mold your small business into something spectacular. Remember to always trust your gut. And surround yourself with the right kind of people who’ll motivate you and take advantage of all the resources at your disposal.

Take on challenges but treat them like learning opportunities. Just keep in mind that success is a journey, not a destination. And if you believe in your vision, you’ll become the small business owner you strive to be.

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  • About the Curator

    Abelino Silva. Seeker of the truth. Purveyor of facts. Mongrel to the deceitful. All that, and mostly a blogger who enjoys acknowledging others that publish great content. Say hello 🙂

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