There are infinite ways to use the PowerPoint application for building unique presentations. A slide presentation may assist a teacher in explaining a lesson, highlighting a historical event, clearly representing statistical data, or being used for business training. This kind of presentation helps share, teach, and learn.
The power of PowerPoint presentations can help you communicate ideas to a crowd, no matter what you’re talking about. With PowerPoint, presenters no longer had to spend hours making slideshows by hand. This made it easy to share information in a polished way. Here’s how to make a simple PowerPoint presentation that’s still effective.
What is a PowerPoint Presentation?
Presentations on PowerPoint consist of a series of slides that can be used to present information visually. The slides in a presentation typically include text, images, charts, graphs, and other media.
A PPT background can be quite beneficial in creating good a PowerPoint presentation that can be used in various settings, such as business meetings, school lectures, and conference presentations. You can create unique presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint, a software program that is part of the Microsoft Office suite, or with alternative presentation software such as Google Slides, Apple Keynote, etc. Good PowerPoint presentations can be delivered in person or shared virtually via email or online webinars.
How to make a PowerPoint Presentation
Step 1: Open the PowerPoint application
When you open the PowerPoint software, you may be asked to choose the document you wish to create. Choose an entirely blank slide to start building your presentation from scratch or consider business presentation design services if you want to delegate your PPT creation to professionals.
Step 2: Choosing a Design
Go to the ‘Design’ tab at the top of the page to start designing. Scroll through all the presentation options to find the one that fits your needs the best. Hover over the design you wish to see before applying it to the presentation to get a sample of how it will appear.
The rest of your presentation will automatically maintain this look. You can change the design of just one slide. To do this, click on the slide you want to change the design for. You can right-click the design you want to use on one slide and select “Apply to Selected Slide.” Even though it’s on one slide, the other slides’ layout won’t be changed.
Step 3: Create a title page
Put the title of your presentation in the text box marked “Click to add title.” To add your name or any additional subtitle, click the box at the bottom. Once your text has been entered into the boxes, you may change it using the toolbar choices at the top by changing the font, size, colour, etc.
You can adjust the text box size by clicking it and dragging the arrow over the box’s boundary. You can drag the text boxes anywhere by clicking the four-arrow symbol.
Step 4: Add more slides
In most cases, you’ll need more than one slide. You can add more slides in different ways. The first slide is on the left side of the screen. To add a new slide, right-click on the space below your first slide and choose “New Slide.” The slide will change.
The second method of adding a new slide is selecting “New Slide” from the toolbar above the slides. There are two sections to this button. A new slide with a preset layout will be inserted at the top. The lower portion of this button, which you may also click, will let you choose the layout type you want.
Step 5: Add charts, images, graphs, etc.
Click on the “Insert” tab at the top of the window to add a graph, chart, photo, or other graphics. The buttons for each option you may place into your slide are here. Insert the content you wish to appear on that slide by clicking the corresponding box.
If you have a blank text or image area, you can enter images and graphs here. The same options you saw in the toolbox will appear as little photos in the center of the box. After creating your chart or image, you can use the “Format” option to make changes to your PowerPoint presentation.
You can even choose a graphics PPT for some amazing designs for graphs, charts and even some isometrics to use in your presentation.
Step 6: Add Transitions
Click the “Animations” tab at the top of the screen to create transitions between your slides. You may navigate every transition option and click on any of them to receive a preview. Click the transition you selected, then choose the slide to which you wish to apply it. You may choose the same or different animation in a Powerpoint presentation for each slide in this manner.
Step 7: Changing the Order
You may rearrange the slides after you’ve finished creating them all. To do this, click and drag the slides from their current location to the desired sequence. Another option is to choose the “Outline” button, which is especially helpful if your presentation is lengthier.
Scroll through all the presentation options to find the best one that fits your needs. You may click and drag your slides to the desired location from this list of all your slides.
Step 8: Play the presentation
View your slideshow after all your slides have been created and are in the desired sequence. Select “From Beginning” under the “Slide Show” heading at the top of the page. By clicking or pushing the right arrow, you may go through the slideshow and switch between slides. You can get here faster by hitting F5.
Congratulations! Your PowerPoint presentation is now complete.
Summing Up
A PowerPoint presentation can be a simple and effective way to share information and ideas with a group. You can even use a pre-made ppt template to create stunning presentations in a fraction of the time.
This tutorial will help you plan and organize your material, get and prepare your resources, establish an essential slide structure, construct your slides, add graphic components, and prepare it for final delivery.. Remember to practice and run through the presentation, get feedback from others, and make any last changes if necessary. With some work and imagination, you can make a PowerPoint presentation that is interesting, useful, and easy to remember.